Sammy Lee
HOMIE is an open outlet celebrating thinkers, tinkers, and everyone in between. HOMIE’s philosophy aims to re-spark your creative flair and allows you to reflect or recognise the passion you have within yourself to create. HOMIE’s hero artifact is an exclusive small run publication. It’s not a regular publication, it’s a cool publication. It’s all in the finer details, at HOMIE we honour the craftsmanship and curate each publication to focus on the featured creator’s practises. With HOMIE’s chameleon style branding, we can shift our focus on the good stuff! The collaborating creators and their passion, process and places. Expressing the interests of our creative landscape, HOMIE continues to push the boundaries and questions what a publication can be. By reinventing the boundaries of a traditional book, we continue to further evolve.
Bachelor of Design (Visual Communications)
Completed in 2023
Current job title: Designer at Hero Sydney
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